AFH – Coaching Before and After Mental Fitness with Alicia McLain

Alicia McLain and Dave A. Cornelius (Dr. Dave)

Coaching Before and After Mental Fitness

I am Dave A. Cornelius —affectionately known as Dr. Dave.

Today, we’re exploring life before and after strengthening your mental fitness with Positive Intelligence (PQ).

Before PQ, many of us were stuck in the grip of Saboteurs—self-doubt, stress, perfectionism, avoidance, or the relentless pursuit of achievement. Negativity hijacked our minds, fueling anxiety, procrastination, or the need for external validation. We reacted impulsively, struggled with relationships, and felt drained rather than fulfilled.

But then, something shifts. With PQ, we learn to recognize these Saboteurs and weaken their hold. We develop our Sage powers—empathy, curiosity, creativity, and resilience. Instead of being overwhelmed by stress, we respond with clarity. Instead of fear, we lean into purpose. Mental fitness transforms the way we lead, connect, and live.

Today, we’ll explore how to move from self-sabotage to self-mastery. Are you ready to build your mental fitness? Alicia McLane is our PQ expert who will help us today. She has been my peer coach and mentor in mental fitness. Please welcome Alicia McLain. Let’s go!