Episode #26: Dynamic Reteaming Featuring Heidi Helfand

heidibeach-595x595 Heidi Helfand

Hello and welcome to KnolShare with Dr. Dave, hosted on GrokShare.com and available on iTunes and Google Play.  This is episode #26 with Heidi Helfand.  This podcast was recorded while Heidi was driving from San Francisco to Santa Barbara.  Actually, Heidi pulled over for the conference call so she could concentrate on the topic and she would not be a distracted driver.  Heidi recently released her book titled “Dynamic Reteaming: The Art and Wisdom of Changing Teams” published on Lean Pub.  I am certainly intrigued by the topic and look forward to reading the book and learning more from Heidi.

Heidi stated, a team is a group of people working on a shared goal, such as software.  Some people misinterpret the Scrum pattern about stable teams as keeping the teams’ static.  I don’t agree that teams need to be the same all the time as people come and go, which changes the team dynamics.  Reteaming help us to share towers of knowledge and reduce the knowledge silos.  It is also a risk mitigation for information loss of people leaving the building and moving to other companies.  Also you can be distributed teams and still reteam to ensure freshness in team members.

To learn more about Heidi, visit her website at www. HeidiHelfand.com and Google her book“Dynamic Reteaming: The Art and Wisdom of Changing Teams” published on Lean Pub.  Tweet with Heidi @HeidiHelfand on Twitter.

Look for the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast on iTunes and Google Play.

The KnolShare with Dr. Dave Podcast is hosted on GrokShare.com.

If you have any questions for Dr. Dave reach out on twitter @DrDaveInfo or @KnolShare.

This podcast and interview produced by Dr. Dave Cornelius

Copyright 2016 KnolShare