E76: Social Justice – Business Disruptor or Hype Cycle?
E76: Social Justice – Business Disruptor or Hype Cycle? We are currently living through a period of intense social upheaval. People are taking to the streets in every major city across the country, protesting injustice towards BIPOC, women, and the LGBT+ community – committed by their own federal and local governments. It’s the kind of…
Read MoreE75: COVID-19 Ruined my 2020 Plans
COVID-19, You Ruined My 2020 Plans By Dave “Dr. Dave” Cornelius, DM On Wednesday, March 3, 2020, I drove from meeting with a client in Phoenix to my home in Tucson. I had planned to attend an entrepreneur event at the University of Arizona, but I did not feel well so I decided not to…
Read MoreEAFH29: April Jefferson – Agile for Humanity Social Impact
Dr. Dave: Hello, and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast. I am Dr. Dave, your host. My conversation today is with April Jefferson, the Soul Crafts Woman, and we’re going to discuss growing equity in Black lives and the agile community and beyond. Dr. Dave: I met April a few years ago at…
Read MoreEAFH28: Agile for Humanity Social Justice & Impact Series – Dr. Dave and Kemmy Raji
Dr. Dave: Hello and welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast. I’m Dr. Dave, your host. Today, the conversation is what my guest Kemmy Raji on the Agile for Humanity Social Justice and Impact Series. Kemmy and I recently connected to collaborate on the 5 Saturdays STEAM (https://5Saturdays.org) program that provides 21st century skills…
Read MoreEAFH27: Agile for Humanity Series with Dr. Dave and Stuart McCalla
Dr. Dave: Hello, this is Dr. Dave Cornelius, AKA Dr. Dave. And I’m hosting the Agile for Humanity podcast series in partnership with the Agile Alliance. The goal is to have real talk with people in the Agile community that are black, indigenous, and people of color, as well as people that are white. The…
Read MoreE74: Startup Weekend Arizona 2020
Dr. Dave: So, hello, Aaron. Thank you for hooking up for another session or for your session with the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast. How are you doing today? Aaron Eden: It’s been great. Just another Monday even though it’s Tuesday. Dr. Dave: Yeah. Just another Monday everyday somewhere. So let’s talk about, we’re going…
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