Episode #17: Coaching Agile Leaders. Monthly Project Insight Webinar

Coaching Agile Leaders     KnolShare with Dr. Dave is hosted on GrokShare.com and played on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify.  You are listening to episode #17, Coaching agile leaders, a recent webinar with 320 listeners joined by Jon Jorgensen.  Dr. Dave describes a new pattern to coach agile leaders that include 1) inquire, 2)…

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Episode #16: Non-Violent Communications (NVC) with James Prieto

 James Prieto Hello once again and this is Dr. Dave and you are listening to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast, hosted on GrokShare.com.  KnolShare with Dr. Dave is also on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify.  You are listening to episode #16, a conversation with James Prieto highlighting the importance of Non-violent communications (NVC) and…

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Episode #15: Open Space Agility (OSA) with Jon Jorgensen

 Jon Jorgensen Hello once again and this is Dr. Dave and you are listening to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast, hosted on GrokShare.com.  KnolShare with Dr. Dave is also on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify.  You are listening to episode #15, a conversation with Jon Jorgensen introducing Open Space Agility (OSA) as an option…

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Episode #14: Transforming Your Leadership Character Webinar with Project Insight

Welcome to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast and you are listening to Episode #14: Transforming Your Leadership Character Webinar with Project Insight. Curtis Gilbert joined Dr. Dave at his monthly webinar done in partnership with Project Insight (http://www.projectinsight.net/).  The discussion today focused on the content from the book “Transforming Your leadership Character: The Lean Thinking…

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Episode #13: Armond Mehrabian – Implementing SAFe 4.0 with SPC certification

 Armond Mehrabian Hello, you are listening to the KnolShare with Dr. Dave podcast, hosted on GrokShare.com, and also on iTunes and Google Play. You are listening to episode #13; lucky #13, with Armond Mehrabian, Implementing SAFe 4.0 with SPC certification. Duration: 13:30 http://media.blubrry.com/knolshare_with_drdave/content.blubrry.com/knolshare_with_drdave/13_Armond_SPC4.0.m4a Receive a $200 discount by entering code KNOLSHARE during registration.  Register to…

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