Soar On High on Wings Like Eagles Spoken Word

Soar On High On Wings Like Eagles by Dr. Dave A. Cornelius


The ‘Soar On Wings Like Eagles’ spoken Word uses the powerful metaphor of an eagle's flight to convey a message of resilience, spiritual growth, and embracing one's potential. It encourages listeners to rise above challenges, utilize their gifts, and serve others. The imagery of soaring high, even with an injured wing, speaks to overcoming adversity and finding strength in faith. The poem also touches on themes of societal deception, the importance of truth, and finding solace in the divine. With vivid language and evocative metaphors, it calls for embracing an abundant mindset, sharing blessings, and, ultimately, finding rest and harmony in the Spirit. The repetition of the refrain reinforces the central theme of soaring above limitations and embracing a life of purpose and fulfillment.

© 2024 Dave A. Cornelius, DM, aka Dr. Dave

Your breath -- lifted me on high

From the beginning to this moment

Further yet, into the tomorrow

Guided and nurtured forever

Wonderful and beautifully made

I was crafted to perfection

There is no one else like me

You gifted me with talents to suit my capabilities

A mind that wanders beyond realities

A heart that breaks by the tragedies

I must now use my gifts

Serving my brothers and sisters


As I soar on high on wings like eagles

I am guided as my thoughts collide and split into many ideas

Build this, experiment, learn, grow, thrive


One thing at a time

Rewards Require Risks



Refrain: I am soaring on high on wings like eagles

(Soaring high on wings like eagles)

My vision is sharp to see what’s before me

(Now I know my reasons why)

One wing may be injured, but forward, I fly

(Soaring high on wings like eagles)

High into the pillows in the sky

(Into the pillows in the sky)


I am called here today -- to share this story

We are in times of treachery and deception

Test everything and hold on to what is good

We must be courageous to do what’s right

Every day and night

What hides in darkness will be revealed through light


Our country is sheltered under Your wings

Your armor and protection are faithful promises

Who, then, will I hide from?

But -- we must be kind and merciful

Give to the least of these

We will be blessed in the going out and coming in


It’s not what’s seen but what you do with it

Bury it, no, don’t waste it

Multiply, share it, empower everyone

Embrace -- an abundance mindset

Fill the empty bowls and cups

No one left without


Refrain: I am soaring on high on wings like eagles

(Soaring high on wings like eagles)

My vision is sharp to see what’s before me

(Now I know my reasons why)

One wing may be injured, but forward, I fly

(Soaring high on wings like eagles)

High into the pillows in the sky

(Into the pillows in the sky)




What we have will not last forever

Not in this temporary place

But there is a promise

Where everything is forever

No tears and pain

Love, Peace, and Freedom touches all

Who listened to the message of the Spirit’s call


The truth found there does not deceive

You will find rest for your spirit

You can run and not get weary

Walk and not faint

Worship in harmony

Sing with the creator

Be one with all of creation and the original Author


Nothing is new under the sun

What is here today

Was here yesterday

The sun came out and smiled

The rain refreshed the earth

What will last -- is the Alpha and Omega



Refrain: I am soaring on high on wings like eagles

(Soaring high on wings like eagles)

My vision is sharp to see what’s before me

(Now I know my reasons why)

One wing may be injured, but forward, I fly

(Soaring high on wings like eagles)

High into the pillows in the sky

(Into the pillows in the sky)