E106: Do Your Deliver Value?

Dr. Dave Cornelius presents Do You Deliver Value

A Game-Changing Framework for Evaluating What It Means to Create Value

What Does Delivering Value Look Like in the 21st Century – Future of work?

Value is one of those concepts everyone thinks they understand until the moment they must describe it to someone else.

The truth is much of our culture wants value from people, projects, and goals. In this landmark book, Dr. Dave A. Cornelius takes a renaissance view of the 21st century and future of work.  He explains what delivering value means for individuals, businesses, and our society.

Deliver Value is that rare kind of book that not only clearly explains a series of abstract concepts but is also a pleasure to read. Dr. Cornelius uses fictional stories as modern-day fables to help explain what it looks like to deliver value in the real world.

In addition to these fictional stories, Dr. Cornelius also shares interviews with four business leaders to provide real-world examples of what value means in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world.

Get the Deliver Value Book?

Deliver Value is essential reading for every business owner, executive, manager, entrepreneur, and anyone who cares about the future of work.

What Are You Waiting For? Get Your Copy of Deliver Value right Now!